Well been awhile since my last update. Thanksgiving break was great. It was so wonderful to see my family and relatives. I really missed them this semester, and they missed me as well. It's really rough to be away from my niece and nephew that long because I feel like they're such an integral part of my life and vice versa. It was my nephew's birthday a week ago, so we celebrated that over Thanksgiving as well.
Got home around 6 on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and hung around for a bit. Wednesday was a bunch of errands and chores and then a trip to the New Brunswick bars with the crew. Thanksgiving itself was pretty good. The whole family was there, the food was good, and good times were had :) Friday was flu-shot day which always sucks because I seem to alwasy get some bad reaction from them. I helped put up the Christmas tree and tried to go see Matrix Revolutions again with my father. Black Friday. Movies. Bad combo. Needless to say it was sold out. Hopefully it'll still be in theaters in 2 weeks when I get home. I just recently started seeing films again with my Dad, something we haven't done together in a long time. I feel like it's a way of bringing us closer in a sense; doing things together again. He's getting pretty old and there's not much I CAN do with him anymore, at least physically. Saturday I hung around most of the day and opted not to go out that night 'cause I was feeling very tired. Watched the Ice Skating World vs. America with Mom. We used to always watch those together. Brian Boitano kicked some ass too. And Oksana Baiul...I still want to jump her.
The trip back to 'Cuse was pretty quick and uneventful. God bless the iPod. 5000 songs to keep me company on the way back. They sure make the trip fly by. The trip to and from school is cool like that too, in that it's the longest car ride I usually have in any given year. A good chance to listen to music when my car rides are normally less than 10 minutes. I essentially did no work over break whatsoever. I started on my IST 355 paper and got about a page and a half lol. Oh well, three papers due this week, then it's just time to gear up for finals. And of course my final website project is due. ::sigh:: We'll see how that turns out. I already know I'm going to have a good deal of all-nighters regarding that little ditty.
I've also had this score from a film stuck in my head since last night. Watching Road To Perdition spurred it on, and I can't place where it's from. The theme is getting clearer and clearer though, and always the film or source is just beyond mind's reach. I'll eventually crack it...hopefully before it bugs me too much.
16 days until Return Of The King!