Friday, October 14, 2005

Best two lines of a rap song I think I've ever heard...

"My gun's a better talker
Load up the lead and lock 'er
My piece is poppin' like a bowl of Orville Reddenbacher"

"If I can play it straight up to my expiration date
I'll hang with Jizzle Chrizzle shootin' off a .38"

Fredryk Phox is cracking me up.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Future in-laws hate Tom...

"Katie Holmes's dad is said to be "very upset" because his unmarried daughter is pregnant with Cruise's child. And, what's more, the devoutly Catholic Martin Holmes reportedly is none-too-thrilled about his daughter's involvement in her husband-to-be's controversial religion, Scientology."

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Also Nicholas Cage is off his rocker again. He named his kid Kal-El.

His wife, Alice Kim Cage, gave birth Monday to a boy, Kal-el Coppola Cage, in New York City, said Cage's Los Angeles-based publicist, Annett Wolf.

Either Cage is a really big fan of Superman, or he's really bitter about not getting to be the new Superman. Oh, and for the Kid's sake, he better have super powers, because he is gonna get it in the playground.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

This video cracks me up. Some kid kept his mic on in the game while arguing with his mom.

"You said you'd get me whatever I want and I said Mt. Dew and now I want Chocolate Milk!" LOLOL. I want some mother (#*@93'in chocolate milk!

::holds side::

Monday, October 10, 2005

So I think this is the coolest gadget/invention/technosexual necessity I've seen in awhile. Enter the PowerSquid! I've got a lot of electronics...PCs, monitors, stereo, video game systems, chargers for tons of gadgets....and they all require e-lec-tricity. Now obviously unless you've got a freaky house just FULL of outlets and don't mind spreading your technology all around the house, you're going to need a lot of outlets to plug all those jiggys into.

The majority of my gadgets reside in my bedroom near the computer. I think all told the number of outlets I need is around 18-20. A standard powerstrip or surge protector houses about 5 outlets. Most of my gadgets have odd or annoying boxy-shaped adapters tha allow for maybe 3 of those outlets to be used, while effectively covering up the others. Some genius (I think he IS a genius because this may be the one of the best things I've bought in awhile) decided to create short cords extending from the actual base unit so that you *could* utilize all 5 jacks. Love it.

If you've got a nightmare of wires and cables look into one. ThinkGeek's got 'em :)