Friday, April 01, 2005

Anyone remember this?

It's Friday Night!
And The Mood Is Right!
Gonna Have Some Fun!
Show Ya How It's Done!

Wow...Friday nights used to be big stay in nights lol to watch awesome TGIF shows.

The original line up was:

Full House
Family Matters
Perfect Strangers
Just the Ten of Us

There was also also a show with Heather Locklear that was short lived. And My Wish about a genie. Babytalk a spin off on Look Who's Talking. Dinosaurs...which ended depressingly when they recreated the meteors hitting and everyone died lol. Interesting enough were the spinoffs. Perfect Strangers came first, then Famiyl Matters was a spin off of that (Harriet was the elevator woman in PS), then Urkel jet-packed off into Step By Step. He also had cameos in Full House, and a few other shows. Good memories...


Thursday, March 31, 2005

Reast easy Theresa Schiavo.

Here's an email written sometime last week.

Shes NOT a vegetable - and PVS is not even a medically agreed upon diagnosis or defnition, it's what some doctors call people when they don't see much hope of them coming out of it. But some do, in fact 43% of PVS improve and some have woken up entirely. PVS is just what they call you when nothing seems to be working, but every single case is completely different.

She is not in a coma, she is not even on life support. The only thing she can't do is swallow food, and they haven't tried in over 10 years to see if that works now too. She appears to respond to stimulus, the videos are pretty convincing. She also appears to have emotions - though idiot doctors are saying they are spontaneous. Hard for me to see if someone is smiling, that they aren't feeling happy on some level.

The whole case rests on the fact that her ex husband, who was cheating on her at the time her heart stopped and is suspected of having abused her, doesn't want any more of the millions he won in the malpractice case used for her care, because he doesn't give a crap about her. He has a live in girlfriend for 10 years, and 2 children with her. and right after terry got sick, he had all of terrys cats put to sleep because he hated them. Meanwhile this dude's whole argument is that terry "said" she wouldn't want to live in this state. Before. No one else ever heard her say that, she never wrote it, or signed a document saying that AND he didn't bring it up until she was IN this state for 10 YEARS, and AFTER he got his award money.

Whether she is aware or not isn't the issue as miuch as the fact that there is no way of knowing 100% if she is aware or not, OR if she will ever improve. Some suddenly snap out of it like nothing every happened. She may be conscious and aware, but simply lacks the brain capacity to outwardly respond to stimilus - and if that were true, we'd never have a way of knowing.

Point is, is you have to err on the side of LIFE, unless you have a clear indication not to. Some estranged husband's wish to kill her because it's sapping his award money, is not a credible PROOF that she wanted to die. We have to assume she wanted to live. Period.

The Catholic position on this is very clear. And as Catholics we should support it. Terri has a fundamental right to live, without outside interference. Technically, allowing herself to die, is a mortal sin by Catholic law. For others to allow this is also against Catholic law - and Terri is Roman Catholic. Her husband keeps talking about her going to be with the "Lord", when he is doing something against that very God's wishes and His laws.

This is more about the left and liberals wanting to push a culture of death, so they can conveniently euthanize and kill anyone they think is "inconvenient" or a sap on our resources. The same people who want to kill infants in the womb, and draw arbirtray lines when that is ok to kill and when it is not. They are drawing a line that it's ok to kill the incapacitated, because one dude SAYS thats what she would have wanted. Thats a bad precendent and a slippery slope. Only ONE other society in history promoted the euthanasia of the disabled... Hitler and Nazi Germany. What I love are the same people who are pro-abortion are the same screaming lesbians who say Scott Peterson is guilty of TWO murders. One was a baby in the womb. These same people say aborting a baby in the womb is not murder. It's crazy. What the world is coming to, is that life is only valuable if it's WANTED. A baby in the womb is only murdered if it was WANTED; if she wanted to abort it, it wouldnt be murder. And same with terry schiavo. Her husband doesn't WANT her. And he is her legal guardian (and wont "divorce" her or release guardianship to her parents, who love her and will take care of her for the rest of her life, even if she STAYS this way. He WANTS her dead.

The final contradictory argument is, these "right to death" activists love to say that we should be merciful and kill people to end their suffering. But with Terri Schiavo, these same people are saying she is incapable of feeling suffering when they slowly starve and dehydrate her to death (which no one can know for sure). If she isn't capable of suffering, then her quality of life isn't bad and why kill her at all??? Makes zero sense.

Heres one simple, final last way to look at it. Even if we accept that it is ok to be merciful those that are "dying" by helping the process along, the truth is - we can ease their suffering without killing them and let nature take its course, as if you are truly "dying" you will "die" Terri Schiavo is NOT DYING. She will stay awake alive and function and make her family happy and possibly be happy herself - except WE ARE KILLING HER, by witholding food and water from her. Barbaric and disgusting. It shows the culture of death that we as a society are descending into.

Check out - I'm sure the debate is raging there still.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Old School

What were you like: Extroverted. Very popular and kooky. Friends with everyone. Cute little blonde kid.
Who was your teacher: I barely can remember her name. So I won't list it in case I f up.
Who was your best friend: No best friends this early on.
Who did you have a crush on: Girls had cooties.
Something random: I remember making those shrinky-dinks back then for Christmas ornaments.

First Grade
What were you like: Still outgoing.
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Ark. Hawaiian teacher who since has moved back to Hawaii!Who was your best friend:
Who did you have a crush on: No crushes! First grade!
Something random: Angela Smarook was in my class. Her sister and her died in a fire that summer :( We were friends and she was going to be in my 2cd grade class too...

Second Grade
What were you like: Still outgoing. Friends with everyone. Part of a "group" of boys who were all friends.
Who was your teacher: Hanft. She was a pure spawn of Satan. She disliked me and I could tell. I had a few dreams about her turning into a witch with huge boils and warts and stuff.
Who was your best friend: Justin Buzzio. He moved away after that year and I never saw him again :(
Who did you have a crush on: Kimberly Faulkner. I was obsessed with those cool little ball hair ties she wore.
Something random: In 2cd grade I remember something all the boys did, and I did too. We would break crayons in half and then stick them back together so hard they looked like the were whole again. One boy, John Sousa (yes named after John Phillip Sousa) shoved a bunch up the radiator and I got in trouble for it.

Third Grade
What were you like: I got glasses that year so I felt like I looked a little dorky. I was still popular though and made lots of friends.
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Molly Maffei.
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio. I'd played baseball with him for a bit but we were better friends by this point.
Who did you have a crush on: Kim Faulkner still and Kristin Sunberg.
Something random: Mrs. Maffei would always grade her tests with a big self drawn smiley face. One day I was chewing on a piece of paper like gum, and she made me spit it out into her and in front of the glass. (No gum chewing allowed in our school and no hats either!)

Fourth Grade
What were you like: Not shy at all, had a lot of good friends. Matt Radzio, Brad Boyle, Matt Osterman. 2cd to best year of elementary school!
Who was your teacher: Mr. Gara, father of Becky Gara who went to another elementary school in the area. Science oriented teacher.
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio.
Who did you have a crush on: Kristen Montesano, Erin Hull
Something random: I remember we were the class who had the chicken incubator. I wanted to hold the cool white chicken, not one of the stupid yellow ones. It pooped in my hand. Also Adam Campbell kept f'ing with my diarama of the solar system done with clay. He kept going back there and sticking those split metal dividers for holed papers into them. Bastard.

Fifth Grade
What were you like: Still very outgoing. Popular among a few different classes/groups.
Who was your teacher: Mr. Dileo, hands down the best teacher I had in elementary school.
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio & Brad Boyle
Who did you have a crush on: Kristen Montesano, Becky Fetzer
Something random: We had a huge play that year just our class. I got to play "Clean Angel" and was voted 2cd best character in the play.

Sixth Grade
What were you like: Junior high blues
Who was your teacher: Multiple teachers...
What was your favorite class: Reading with Mrs. Buchanan! Science with Mr. Haas
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio, Jason Carr
Who did you have a crush on: a lot of people
Something random: Kurt Cobain died that year. I remember Jen Renaud coming to school like Cousin It with all her hair over her face because she was so depressed. One of my teacher's name was Mr. Griffith and we all made fun of it because there was a popular book at that time called Killing Mr. Griffin. That was until he had a massive ear operation and was out the rest of the year. I was big into Blind Melon as they were my first favorite band.

Seventh Grade

What were you like: Kind of shy
Who was your teacher: Bunches, one for every subject
What was your favorite class: Reading/Science
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio
Who did you have a crush on: Laura "Metax-Fax-Machine" Metaxas
Something random: The really weird girl Lisa Pueyo kept hitting on me. These things stay with you...

Eighth Grade
What were you like: Popular in my own "click"
Who was your teacher: Tons
What was your favorite class: Mrs. Pratt's Lit and that weird teacher's reading class.
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio, Jesse Burdett, Scott Stephens, Brian Wershonkski, Jon Alosi
Who did you have a crush on: Meghan Buckley
Something random: I convinced our Spanish teacher Mrs. Thompson to have (COUNT IT) 23 "fiestas" that school year. Someone in said class was named "Marie-Juana" as their spanish name. First big truth or dare game.

Freshman Year
What were you like: this was my rebelous year
What was your favorite class: Science with Mr. Trenchak!
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio, Jon Alosi
Who did you have a crush on: Lots can't remember any
Something random: Had my first big date. Had a lot of big dates that year. Devan Theiler, Katina Cassidy,and a few others.

Sophomore Year
What were you like: Unruly towards parents, a little insecure
What was your favorite class: History with Doc Timpko. Tammy Fox was in that class. She moved there that year and started dating my best friend Jon Alosi immediately.
Who was your best friend: Jon Alosi, Matt Radzio, Jesse Burdett, Scott Stephens
Who did you have a crush on: Allison Bevan, Kelly Mojka
Something random: I remember going to ask Jen Evancho to Homecoming but she ran away when I was approaching her on the main walkway. That bitch. Went stag and had a better time than HER! hahahaha Also took some kid out when my dog Buttons died ::tear:: I was so upset I literally killed anyone who came near me. I had 28 sacks that SINGLE game.

Junior Year
What were you like: Very popular within my own group. Cracked everyone up at lunch. Not an amazing student in subjects I didn't like. Excellent football player according to my coach.
What was your favorite class: Cooking. Yes Home Ec rocked my world. With Mrs. Wisniewski who scared the crap out of me.
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio, Amar Trivedi, Matt Byorick
Who did you have a crush on: Kelly Mojka, Allison Bevan ::sigh::
Something random: Took some kid out of the football game. Think he broke something in the knee!

Senior Year
What were you like: Senioritic
What was your favorite class: Engineering Technology with Paul "Special K" Kloberg
Who was your best friend: Matt Radzio, Amar Trivedi
Who did you have a crush on: Still Kelly Mojka and Allison.
Something random: My design for our Engineering Tech project was almost the winner. And also the most simple. A mousetrap catapult idea that outdid almost every teams device, and embarassed them in the process.