Friday, June 25, 2004

Here are some excerpts from JoBlowho does a fair job of reviewing movies. None of that Siskel (RIP) and Ebert and whoever the hell they got now, Roper or something BS. He gives you the nitty gritty, and it feels oddly close to what your own opinion is after a movie. Here's some funny excerpts from his Troy movie review:

"It's a decent movie, with solid performances from both Brad Pitt and Eric Bana, but I can't say that any specific character intrigued me much, involved me on any type of emotional level and ultimately, had me giving a shit about what happened to them."

"Pitt's relationship with his Tom Sizemore look-a-like partner in war was probably the best developed relationship in the entire movie...and that's saying a lot."

"As for Orlando Bloom and his, I think this guy gets the lifetime achievement award for being the biggest pussy in the world! If this guy had any less balls, he'd be a stay-at-home soccer dad. Jesus about giving this dink a little backbone? He looked like he was gonna take a pee in every shot (or was that Peter O'Toole?) I'm supposed to invest myself in this story of epic proportions and it's all being fought out for some prissy kid who doesn't know shit one about honor, love or war? Forget that! I also didn't think the character of his girlfriend, the infamous "Helen" over whom much of the hoopla begins in the first place, was given any personality or life either. She just stood around, looking pretty and pretending to matter. In fact, I think she may just have been the first "trophy wife" in the history of the world. Actually, most of the ladies in the film were about as paper-thin as my penis."

"Add that to the umpteen shots of Pitt's naked butt, his bare FIGHT CLUB-esque six-pack and plenty of wardrobe kinkiness featuring the man in black leather skirts (no joke) and you've got yourself a good time for anyone who enjoys Pitt as an actor and as a piece of ham-and-cheese. "

Needless to say, I enjoy some of his reviews ;P Hope you will too!
I thought this was really cool.

So it's Friday YAY. And I'll be out of work in another measley 5 hours! W00t! Final party preps are in order. Got to put up the lights on the tents tonight. Yes, yesterday I came home to find them already set up. Which is sort of a bad thing, because with the tents up Mom just freaks out more. She's like the PARTY IS TOMMORROW! And it's not for 2 days. So the tile guys are at the house today finishing up the kitchen wall tiling. That makes it worse too because she thinks the house will be demolished by Sunday. No winning with her lol. So it's a definite! Jared and Asa will be at the party on Sunday. And it looks like Amy, Meryl, and Sasha will probably make it too.

So I totally got no sleep last night. Maybe it was the fact that when I laid down at 6:50 and set my alarm clock for an hour and fifteen minutes, and then proceeded to sleep until 9:35. I was supposed to be at Tammy's at 9, but that didn't happen lol. Amar knew something was wrong because I didn't text him back in under 30 seconds when he texted me ;P We ended up going to Cryan's which was, SURPRISE!, a highschool reunion of sorts. Green Knoll Bar and Grill was a nightmare at 5pm when I passed it on my way home from work, so I knew we weren't getting in anyways. When they stopped by there it was a 30 minute wait just to get into the PARKING LOT. Then it's like 25 minutes for every drink, according to Scott.

Hopefully it will be an awesome weekend-I can't wait for my party and to see all the friends from school. I really hope everyone can make it! A lot of people who I thought couldn't are suddenly becoming very resourceful. :P So tonight might be Cryan's 80s night...which I'm not that excited for. I lived the 80s, I've got so much 80s's not going to be amazing unless people went dressed in 80s fatigue lol. Ah do I miss THOSE college parties. Our 80s party was the bomb...I think those shorts I had were So maybe not Cryan's or maybe Cryan's for a little bit. But definitely a movie. Think Amar, Scott, Jess and maybe a few others will be down for that. I'm glad I'm getting to spend a good amount of time with Jess, cuz with work starting I didn't know how much our schedules would match. So Boo to the Yah for that!

I have a feeling it's gonna be a good Friday (no pun intended), and and an amazing weekend!

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Wooo so my first day of work was really awesome. My boss I missed by literally less than a day. He went on vacation the day before I started, and won't be back for a week and a half. And the lady who's supposed to "orient" me was in the NYC offices that day so I didn't see her either. But then half the LAN group walked in and saw me and were like "What are you doing waiting here! Come on in!" lol they're a great bunch of guys and it feels like I never left. I have the same cube, the same PC, and I jumped right back into the swing of things since I've done this for almost a year straight already :P

Getting close to the party day! Wooooooo! It will be good to have all the family in one place. Gotta talk to my cousin about my job prospects here. They've been hinting lately that if I come on full-time AIG will FOOT my grad school bill. I'm walkin' on sunshine, and damnnnnnnnn it's startin' to feel good! Other good things are happening too lately, so I hope they continue.

The only bad thing is that a relative who lives in New Orleans is about to pass away after battling cancer for 10 years. After 5 chemo-therapys too :( Cousin Freddie Palumbo is the the last Palumbo on my father's side. So basically this means that my brother Frederic and I are the last Palumbo's who will carry on the family name...No pressure or anything lol. It's kind of sad though because that man is a great person, and my parents saw him not more than a few months ago at a family wedding in Las Vegas. I guess it's just kinda sad because we've lost so many members of our family and that will never stop. But live for the moment is definitely the thought of the week.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Whew. Ok well I know I haven't updated in awhile. I've been mad busy lately. So today I start my first day of work, which means I will probably update more like I used to the past 2 summers.

As for current goings on...I've just been doing a lot of arranging at home. I moved from my small room that I've lived in since I was 2, into my brother's old room which gives me a little more room. It's a good move, just a little warm yet in that room >:L Went to a few graduation parties the past 2 weeks including Amy & Rebecca's, Terri's, and Kelly's. My party is this if you're reading this and are anywhere near or want to come and you haven't already been invited just drop me an IM or call :) It's Sunday, the 27th of June at my house in Bridgewater-5pm. Should be a rockin' good time.

Back to the grind, and here's a little ditty that I love about work, from one of the best movies ever.

Some people say a man is made out of mud
Well a poor man's made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bone
and a mind that's weak but a back that's strong.

And he was born one morning when the sun didn't shine
He picked up his shovel and he went to the mines
He loaded 16 tons of that number 9 coal
Till the Straw boss said Well-uh b-less my soul!

You load 16 tons and whaddaya get
another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don'tcha call me 'Cause-I can't go
I owe my soul to the Company Store

So if you see him coming
you better step aside
A lot of men didn't
and a lot of men died.
He's got one fist of iron,
and the other of steel
And if the right one doesn't get you
Then the left one will.

You load 16 tons and whaddaya get
another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don'tcha call me 'Cause-I can't go
I owe my soul to the Company Store

-16 Tons from Joe vs. the Volcano