Thursday, October 28, 2004

So it's my last day of work. Julio's backed up all my files here. I'm not leaving a damn thing on this computer :) I even get to leave a little early today. So yay for Thursday, and today is technically a Friday since I don't have to work tomorrow. It's Halloween this weekend, but more importantly it's road trip time with the girl. I've been looking forward to getting back to visit Syracuse mucho this fall. Haven't been back since I left that last week in May. So many things were different then, and that semester, not to mention graduation, kind of ended with a sour taste in my mouth due to the Red House Embarassment as I've come to call it.

Asa's still up in 'Cuse working at the local Wegman's. (I'm always amused by how they know of mine in Bridgewater, and the newly built but not yet fully operation (hahahah SW) Wegman's in Ocean by my gf. The Red Housers who didn't graduate are still up there-Carl, Kate, Russel, Brandy, Zach, (yes I consider him a full-fledged Red Houser!). Chris Hall is still up there, as well as Kat, Bekkah, Christine, Jenny, Jen, Carlynn. Ok yeah so you get the point, there's a lot of people still up there ;) Work has kept me so busy this fall that I haven't had a chance to get up until now. I can't wait. This is going to be an awesome weekend. Kate's having a confirmed Halloween Costume party so we've even got definite plans. It'll be good to drop in on the old boss too and demand my reccomendation letter :D And Cosmo's wings...dear Lord thank you for that sweet, sweet nectar of life. Gotta work on my costume tonight...if it's ever going to be ready! :D Details to follow after the weekend jump :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I came across this on the internet today and thought it was mucho cool. A lego robot that's programmed to play the first level of Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Mad geeks? Yes! Virgins still? Most likely! You've got to see the vid though...still pretty impressive. These kids should be involved in the Space Program.

I will never stop being amazed by how geeky some people can really be. Check out pics from an online wedding in Star Wars Galaxies, the online MMORPG.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
So today is the day I find out. I've worked the past three years as an intern at American International Group. After my first summer the other interns were all not renewed, and only I was, with a paid raise every year. Sounds like a familiar situation. The same thing happened in college at my work study job. I was going to school full time and working for the Computer Services Group, and after one semester they fired the other two work studies, kept me on and gave me a raise.

My credentials are sparkling as a new graduate, my experience intimidating. Today is the day I find out if I'll get a full-time job with AIG. I don't know what to think, and I'm not daring to hope. If I get it, it will be great and I will be overjoyed. If not life will go on, and I'll travel down a different path if I must. The path is not as important as the goals it leads me to. As a wise and elderly (beyond any human's years) man once said "Even the wise cannot see all ends." Please keep my in your prayers today friends. I'm going to need them and I'm definitely climbing up the walls.
So today is the day I find out. I've worked the past three years as an intern at American International Group. After my first summer the other interns were all not renewed, and only I was, with a paid raise every year. Sounds like a familiar situation. The same thing happened in college at my work study job. I was going to school full time and working for the Computer Services Group, and after one semester they fired the other two work studies, kept me on and gave me a raise.

My credentials are sparkling as a new graduate, my experience intimidating. Today is the day I find out if I'll get a full-time job with AIG. I don't know what to think, and I'm not daring to hope. If I get it, it will be great and I will be overjoyed. If not life will go on, and I'll travel down a different path if I must. The path is not as important as the goals it leads me to. As a wise and elderly (beyond any human's years) man once said "Even the wise cannot see all ends." Please keep my in your prayers today friends. I'm going to need them and I'm definitely climbing up the walls.