"Actually, I think the radio star killed the radio star." Lol this post on IpodLounge cracked me up. Someone had asked if Ipod killed the radio star. As you can tell from previous posts, I think the radio star killed himself too :P Check out IpodLounge if you're interested in getting an Ipod. Definitely the best piece of hardware I've ever bought. I had 2 problems with my last two yes...I'll go into that really briefly.
The first Ipod I dropped, not that hard, but I got an error afterwards which isn't related to that thankfully. It's a folder with an exclamation point in it. This is like a corrupted folder/hard drive etc. It's actually a problem they've been getting. Probably because of the Malaysian made hard disks from Toshiba. When will you use Western Digital! So I returned that one on the 7th to BestBuy. I never bought the service plan they offer either. It's $40 for 2 years. Why should I pay more for that when Apple's warranty is 4 years! So I used my new one for abotu 3-4 weeks this July then 3 days ago the hold button started wackin' out on me. I would turn it off and it would still think it was on. I'd have to fiddle with it a couple times to get it on. I was freakin' out when I was at the diner with Matt and Amar and I tried turning it on and it appeared dead. Now amid all the discussions of battery life for the 3rd gen Ipods, mine had been pretty good on the two I've had. I get upwards of about 6-9 hours and they advertise something like 10. I have kept it not in the charger for 3 days at a time too and had a full charge when waking it up. Yes the Ipod "sleeps" and never is really off. That's how it achieves that kooky instant-on capability. I hadn't had one problem with the 2cd Ipod, but that hold button was annoying. Luckily there were 2 Apple stores somewhat nearby, one in Menlo Park Mall and one in Short Hills Mall. So I went with Matt to Menlo on Tuesday and they were amazing. Best customer service yet, seriously. I'm considering buying an Apple laptop (because I've wanted an Apple system, but not a desktop persay) to start putzing around with since their networking is a close second to Windows NT and 2000 servers. I even got to keep my current Ipod till then, so I'm not without music. And I'll have the new one in time for my LBI vacation! Rock on!
Waiting for Matt to give me a call to see if we're go for Atlantic City. Never been, can't wait to go. Hopefully he can get the money. He got the work coverage already w00t! Then it's off to Lindsey's for the annual "End of the Summer Shore House Retreat." YEAHHHHHHH. I look forward to this all summer every year. It's like the beginning of my official vacation. Actually going back to school will be a much needed downgrade of work compared to what I've been shelling out this summer. Then I've got one more week of work, and it's down to LBI for a week with my parents, my sister, her husband, and the kids! I really can't wait, I saw them both last Monday, and it was seriously like leeches attached for the entire 3 hours they were there lol. I miss em tons, and it's good to know the sentiment is shared.
Needless to say I'm not getting any sleep over vacation, or not any extra anyways lol. I know Marc and Alyssa will have me up by at least 5 am daily lol. I wouldn't trade that week for anything in the world though. When they were over we watched about 3/4 of Big which of course they had never seen being only 8 and 5. It's scary to think that's a classic already even to me. I often think about how many movies and experiences they'll never know about. I feel like it's my duty as an uncle to educate them. Yeah the fact that my nephew totally loves Star Wars is all Pete's fault. I was still in my Star Wars phase about the time he was 2-3. Hey at least I've got someone to talk to about it lol. I can be a closet case fan :) Funny how every time I see, get an IM, or talk to him on the phone, Marc has got some new interesting bit of information about what he's done in a video game, or what's new in his Animal Crossing town. Such a great game, I'm glad I bought that for him for Christmas last year. Him and his sister play it now, just what I had aimed for. Teaches him how to write letters, since he's a full blown reader for over a year and a half now, and her who's just starting. God I haven't played that game in months...time to boot it up again :P
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