Thursday, June 24, 2004

Wooo so my first day of work was really awesome. My boss I missed by literally less than a day. He went on vacation the day before I started, and won't be back for a week and a half. And the lady who's supposed to "orient" me was in the NYC offices that day so I didn't see her either. But then half the LAN group walked in and saw me and were like "What are you doing waiting here! Come on in!" lol they're a great bunch of guys and it feels like I never left. I have the same cube, the same PC, and I jumped right back into the swing of things since I've done this for almost a year straight already :P

Getting close to the party day! Wooooooo! It will be good to have all the family in one place. Gotta talk to my cousin about my job prospects here. They've been hinting lately that if I come on full-time AIG will FOOT my grad school bill. I'm walkin' on sunshine, and damnnnnnnnn it's startin' to feel good! Other good things are happening too lately, so I hope they continue.

The only bad thing is that a relative who lives in New Orleans is about to pass away after battling cancer for 10 years. After 5 chemo-therapys too :( Cousin Freddie Palumbo is the the last Palumbo on my father's side. So basically this means that my brother Frederic and I are the last Palumbo's who will carry on the family name...No pressure or anything lol. It's kind of sad though because that man is a great person, and my parents saw him not more than a few months ago at a family wedding in Las Vegas. I guess it's just kinda sad because we've lost so many members of our family and that will never stop. But live for the moment is definitely the thought of the week.

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