Found this person's list of reasons he hates Doom 3. Thought it was pretty funny :D
I [really] hate Doom3.
I hate how it's so dark you can't see [nothing] until it's on top of you.
You can't have your flashlight and your gun out at the same time.
I hate the way they put monsters right [bloody] behind doors that then proceed to jump straight out at you and start attacking you.
I hate the way you enter a room, and there's armour or ammo there, in the middle, in a quiet well-lit room. And you just [damn well] know when you pick that up the lights are going to go off and a ton of monsters are gonna drop in to play.
I hate the way they've used sound to make every [damn] room in the game sound like there's things behind the walls or in the vents.
I hate it when I'm about to climb a ladder into a vent and something up there makes a noise.
I hate how that fills me with dread not knowing what the hell I'm going to come across.
I hate how I can't open doors without wondering if there will be something behind it.
I hate the way it makes me play with the sound turned off.
I hate it cos I have to keep quitting it cos I'm too scared.
I love the game though. It's creepy as all hell. Can't wait until I buy an Alienware system...5.1 or 7.1 surround sound...then I'll truly wet myself.
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