Monday, October 11, 2004

I love this website. If you're a Michael Moore fan (why you're a fan of a political figure who uses movies that rip you off and help him profit is beyond me) you should definitely visit. I'm so tired of people waxing infinite about Michael Moore. He is a crafty filmmaker, and a good distorter of truth. The Clinton Administration could of used him! :D

I think it's time this week to finally rent Fahrenheit 9/11. It'll be a good pop-corn muncher. At this point I've heard so much about it, it'll be like I've already seen it. Check the site out folks...and stop spouting to me that the NRA and the KKK are closely linked. I don't want to hear that we've got less jobs under Bush, and I'm tired of hearing about how Iraq is this nice suburb where people all get along. Do your research, and if you're going to vote for Kerry, hey that's your right. But don't be stupid and vote because you saw a movie that TOLD you reasons you should. Not all that glitters is gold...

On a similarly interesting note Michael Moore Hates America due out in theaters soon! Hoo-ha! Gotta pick up that book though, Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man. Heh heh. Isn't media great!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If anyone needs to do research its you. First of all, many major media companies will state flat out that everything in 9/11 is TRUE, the NY Times included. In fact, a "fact-checker" there offered $10,000 to anyone who found a fact that was untrue. The things that Michael Moore says are strictly opinion, if your too stupid to realize that then you are too stupid to be watching it in the first place, but that doesn't change the facts that are brought into the spotlight. Maybe you should see the movie instead of getting your factual information from the "unbiased" fox news. Dont blame Michael Moore for idiots blindly following his lead, its their own stupidity.

Secondly, a protest against Michael Moore is absurd, and is exactly the opposite of what anyone interested in "democracy" should be doing. It is the beauty of our system - it ALLOWS us to challange the president and to point out when he has made a mistake. To protest against someone for simply challanging the president is a challange to our entire system. If you don't agree with him, THEN FIGHT BACK, get your lazy ass off the computer and do your own research, make your own movie, do whatever your little heart desires... and stop your fucking whining, its pathetic. Maybe you should ask Michael Moore how to show some initiative and go out and do what you believe in, instead of protesting him for it. He was a poor little bastard that nobody liked, and he stood up for all he believed in, not for money, but to spread his views. This is America, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT.

One last thing, you say that you dont want to hear that jobs were lost? WHY THE HELL NOT! Bush has ruined this economy, and yes there are other factors and luck involved, but to go from +5 trillion surplus to -2 is insane. INSANE. That $200,000,000,000 could have been used to CREATE SOME JOBS. I know you arent rich, so maybe you should pay a little more attention to the fact that bush is out to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer. By process of elimination I would think you would want someone on your side, not the insurance company who wont pay for your cancer treatment, or the oil company that HE OWNS raising oil prices on your beat up car, etc etc. There are plenty of people who stand to get rich with bush in office, take the time to think if you are one of them before you cast your vote.