I always find it amusing how you can see the leaps in technology just by viewing the video game industry. We went from:
Pong/Pitfall to
Mario/Zelda to
Sonic/Tails (lol sorry had to) to
Ocarina Of Time/Goldeneye to
Halo 1 & 2/Pikim/Vice City.
Looking at the specs of the video game consoles has always interested me.
Playstation 2
Processor: 128-bit "Emotion Engine" clocked at 300 MHz
Media: Proprietary 4.7-GB DVD and original PlayStation CDs
Processor: "Gekko" IBM Power PC microprocessor clocked at 485 MHz
Media: Proprietary 1.5-GB optical disc
Processor: Modified Intel Pentium III clocked at 733 MHz
Media: 8-GB built-in hard drive & proprietary 4.7-GB DVD
Compare this to consoles of yesteryear.
It's also interesting to see when the consoles had leapt ahead 2 generations that the once-seemingly powerful consoles of yesteryear were now handhold consoles! Basically the PSP is a mix between the PS1 and PS2 systems. The Advance/Advance SP/DS are all souped up NES/SNES systems. Will XBox bring their own to the scene? I'm sure Gates has that well under wraps.
Gameboy Advance SP
Processor: 32-Bit RISC with embedded memory
Media: GB/GBA/GBASP cartridges
Nintendo DS
Processor: ARM9 and one ARM7 33Mhz processors
Media: 1 DS slot, 1 Game Boy Advance / SP slot
802.11b wireless
PlaystationPortable (PSP)
Processor: PSP CPU clocked at 333MHz
Media: UMD Drive (Read only) 1.8GB
802.11b wireless
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