Monday, January 26, 2004

Ok Yes I've been very busy lately and not updating as much as usual ;P I apologize for that, but it's been pretty hectic to say the least. Classes are interesting, althought a lot of work. Your last semester senior year is supposed to be easy right? Wrong! ;P This past weekend was a blast though. The Red House was out in FULL FORCE Friday night at the Pirate party, and I must say my costume rocked! Saturday night was the Stoplight Party-Wear green if you're available, Yellow if you're sort of committed, and Red if you're NO NO!

Well a new week has begun and I still don't have heat in my room. Damn my landlord. It's time to take care of him methinks! It's official btw, our first party will on Valentine's Day, February 14. If you'd like to come up and visit, or are on campus and would like to come let me know :) - Dennis Miller: '9-11 changed me' - Jan. 26, 2004: "The United States right now is simultaneously the world's most loved, hated, feared and admired nation, he said.
'In short,' he said, 'we're Frank Sinatra.' "

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