Friday, January 30, 2004

So it's another Friday and I'm glad this horrid week is finished. The work never ends...ever. But college does and that sucks! :) I got sick again like 3 days ago, so I've been walking around high as a kite, and that's WITHOUT being on anything. ::sigh:: Yeah well at least Health Services gave me something for once so I'm on drugs yet again. Yay. Guess my dream of a sickness-free semester is shattered. ::shattershatter::

Oh well! This weekend is going to be crazy busy too. I've taken part the past 3 years in something called College-Bowl. It's basically a college trivia game where each college has contestants and you duel off much like Jeopardy. We usually do pretty good and my most memorable answer was "Beaver College." Hehehe. I love knowing weird little trivial facts that have no right infesting my head but in this case they're warranted if only for a day :) Have an IST group gathering Saturday night, that should be interesting...and then Sunday is SUPERBOWL SUNDAYYYYYYYY. Thinking maybe I'll hit up Kathy's and watch it there since Jay and Meg are going to his Dad's for the game. Maybe I'll invite them over the house. Gotta order my Cosmo's wings on Saturday :) The delivery guy from there loves me now lol. Well one more day of work then off to meet Big Billy for some college bowl practice tonight. And ::sigh:: now that I'm on antibiotics I guess that means only 1 beer. >:L

And me oh my when will I find time to play FF V?

Lisa brought her dog into work today, a Labrador Retriever. I love having big doggies around to play with during work. Makes me miss having my own dog even more. I really hope my parents get another Shih Tzu. Dogs have a really calming effect on me and make things less stressful.

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