Wednesday, February 11, 2004

So great news...

Mom and Dad got a new puppy yesterday!

A Shih Tzu who bears a resemblance to our old dog, Buttons. Mom had called me last week saying she had seem a cream colored female and she was totally conflicted because she called me three days in a row to ask my opinion. We settled upon waiting for me to get home in the spring and help her shop around in NJ. I call her last night though, and she asks me to guess what she has sitting in her lap lol. I'm really glad we have a new little addition to the family. I really miss having an animal companion around at all times; their presence is very soothing. As well it's been about 6-7 years since Buttons passed away, (our first Shih Tzu, and the first pet that was really MY own and had more than a 5 second memory span) and I'd been getting those pangs of puppy love again. In an past post I mentioned visitng a pet store on Rt. 22 over Christmas break with Amar, Jesse, and Tara. Despite the horrible kennel smell the dogs were adorable. Some got so excited like this one little guy who wanted attention so bad he was like knocking into the side of his cage and I was mildly disturbed that he might shimmy his cage right off the shelf! I remember asking one of the employees if they had any Shih Tzus, and they did-one. He was the sweetest lil guy ever and it opened a floodgate of memories of Buttons. I miss that dog something terrible, and for the rest of my life and beyond I will carry his memory in my heart.

Time for work! Huge network inventory of the whole building today.
Yay. ^_^
An interesting headline that caught my eye this morning: - Movie popcorn popularizer dead - Feb. 10, 2004

Sunday, February 08, 2004

"I hope I’ve drawn your attention to the fact that, no matter how many people smoke out or download music, both actions are illegal. While the punishments for doing either may vary, doing either makes you a law-breaker. [...]

But your parents wouldn't approve of your underage drinking, nor would they be excited to know that you were speeding and they sure as hell wouldn't buy you a bong—but they would buy you an iPod. Downloading music without paying for it is a crime largely devoid of social stigma; it is much more socially acceptable than, say, stealing a real CD. The Recording Industry Association of America would say downloading music is the same thing as going into Amoeba and shoving a CD in your pants Empire Records style, but I disagree—downloading isn't stealing, it's infringing on copyright law, which is something entirely different."