Sunday, February 08, 2004

"I hope I’ve drawn your attention to the fact that, no matter how many people smoke out or download music, both actions are illegal. While the punishments for doing either may vary, doing either makes you a law-breaker. [...]

But your parents wouldn't approve of your underage drinking, nor would they be excited to know that you were speeding and they sure as hell wouldn't buy you a bong—but they would buy you an iPod. Downloading music without paying for it is a crime largely devoid of social stigma; it is much more socially acceptable than, say, stealing a real CD. The Recording Industry Association of America would say downloading music is the same thing as going into Amoeba and shoving a CD in your pants Empire Records style, but I disagree—downloading isn't stealing, it's infringing on copyright law, which is something entirely different."


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