Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Ok here's my little movie rant for the month...or maybe the year.

I've seen two really horrible movies I wish I didn't pay for in the past month. Alien vs. Predator, and Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Now for AvP I had high expectations. I've never seen the Predator movies but I know what a huge following they have. The Alien movies rock a movie finally pitting the two against eachother should have been amazing. wasn't. Rarely have I been tempted to walk out of a theater...but AvP almost got me there. The worst film I've ever seen was Battlefield Earth...just because you've got Forrest Whitaker, John Travolta, and that sniper dude from Saving Private Ryan, does not mean you have a good movie. At all. Ever. Period. *.* So yeah AvP sucked.

Now Resident Evil 2 I was excited for. I loved the first movie. I've played Resident Evil Zero, 1 and 2. The games are chilling...the first movie was a bit corny but the style was dark and the technology mixed in very well. Now the sequel...pure crap. Cheesey lines, horrible plot, bad acting, and a cast that covers just about EVERY ethnicity out there. For as long as this movie has taken to come out, I was very disappointed. And since Fate did not allow the dream team of Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo to reunite for Super Mario Bros. II, I suppose that I''ll settle for a sweaty Milla Jovovich jogging around an apocalyptic, rainy cityscape shooting zombies. Mindless fluff...but maybe you'll like it better than me. And for the record I think a Super Mario Bros. II movie would rock the Casbah.

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