Thursday, April 29, 2004

Zach's Message To The Red House

So things have been super busy. After multiple more visits with the Syracuse legal tenant advocate, we have a strong case against Roy. At the very least we will discredit him publicly in the BIG newspapers. The Post Standard, NOT the dinky DO. We will keep TKE from moving in June 1. And if the members fight this, the Red House will still stand and exist next fall. Here's a little quote from the Sopranos that I think very well classifies my attitude towards oppression.

"We're talkin' about history here, A.J. Your family's history. Newark's history."

"Well, who gives a shit about Newark?"

"I'm making a point. This neighborhood used to be beautiful. 100% Italian.The 1920s, most of them right off the boat. Most Italians couldn't even find a church that wanted 'em. So what did they do, did they cry? Did they go to the government with their hand out? No. They took care of their own problems. They said you don't want us in your church? Fine, we'll build our own, a better one. I mean, look around, look at all these buildings around here. Most of them are falling down into the ground. But that church is still standing. You know why?"

"The bricks?"

"'Cause our people give a shit, that's why."

The Red House will not fall because I didn't lift a finger. Roy Pinsky Palumbo is a name you will not soon forget.

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