Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Ok so we do a lot to God:

We fight wars in his name.
We kill in his name.
We make cheesey candle products in his image.
We even make cookies that we eat.
Easter-chocolate Jesuses and crosses.

But this is the worst. That's right...a cellphone tower designed as an homage to God.
You've all seen the pine tree ones probably right here in NJ or in your own respective states. Not very convincing, are they? You can tell right off that something's not right. But this one annoys me lol.

Can you hear me now Lord? Good!

Grrr. Damn consumerism with your ads, and your products...and your makeout parties.

So Labor day weekend was awesome. Friday night was a night out in New Brunswick with Amar, Jesse, and Tara. We went out to the Olive Branch for some darts, drinks, and good times. Saturday night I had them over for football and I barbequed and watched some good games, (LSU and Temple's game), and some horrible ones (Syracuse...::sigh::). Sunday was my niece Alyssa's birthday so that took up a major portion of the day. Jess met me at Doreen's and that ended up being a really fun day. Monday, Labor Day, I helped Jess move into her dorm because this morning she starts college for her Junior year. Her roomate is hilarious. Reminds me a lot of Kelly Girard from school.

So things with Jess are going amazingly well lately. It sucks that she's going back to school and our "together" time is cut by about 3/4, but oh the tragedy of life lol. I miss her already and as she said "You're not going anywhere, and I've gone nowhere." Heheh.

Yesterday was kind of sad. The first time I got a few twinges of sadness at not returning to the 'Cuse. Seeing all the students at Monmouth U moving in makes you kind of miss that excitement at the peak of "can'twaitingtogetbacktocollegeness" when you finally do move back and summer has "begun to get old." I'll get up there to visit soon enough.

I'm happy in my job though, and I'm happy in New Jersey. I'm just happy.

Now if I wasn't starting to feel sick :L

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