Friday, November 07, 2003

Ok so I did see The Matrix Revolutions on Wednesday night. I was in such a bad mood that I had to get out of the house and not do any work. Also Christine is yelling at me that she can't stalk me when I don't post in more detail, so this post is for her. I really liked it. I saw the horrible reviews. I think it was so overhyped, just like Reloaded, that it couldn't have been ended any better. I couldn't have written it better myself.

Everything I predicted after the 2cd movie came true though. Go me!

In other news I've just been really upset lately. My sister is in surgery right now. I was a wreck yesterday and I'm not faring much better today. There's a 1 in 200 fatality rate, which is not low at all, it's quite high. It's like there are a ton of things going on lately that I don't need on top of everything else.

This weekend at least should prove some distractment. Kathy invited me to go to dinner with her parents, sister, and sister's family at a Mexican place. Looking forward to that definitely. I might go to the football game. If we don't beat Temple I will hit myself in the temple. Maybe see Revolutions again. Once today is over things will be a lot better. They will.

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