Wednesday, February 25, 2004

OK some spare time finally. This week is already been to hell, now it's time for the journey back. I'm sick again...what is this 2 weeks ago? ugh... This week holds 2 major presentations, and for the greater of the two, our 4th group member dropped out of the class so the other 2 members and I have to pick up his slack, a day before the presentation. Last weekend was at least fun. Friday night was Happy Hour and some relaxation afterwards. Saturday Amy and Meryl had a party, which I almost ended up not going to, but did! Glad I did, because I had a lot of fun and got to know a few people a lil better. It's strange to meet new people even now in my final semester. Finally booked by tickets down to Fl yesterday, so a week from Friday I'll be in sunny Florida baby. Oh yeahhhh. Get to see my 'rents and the new dog. My brother is going to come down as well, so it will be nice to see everyone.

In other news Oz Season 3 came out yesterday! Went straight out to pick it up last night, but never got to watch it :( Had to meet with my group for that project to resplit up how we're presenting it, and then upon returning home I started to feel lightheaded and really spacey. Flashback to an hour earlier when I took a shot of NyQuil not really thinking about it. Went to bed at like 8:30 and slept straight through till this morning. Oops. Went to Health Services today and thought that I wasn't going to get any meds 'cause I got the chinese doctor who never gives me an antibiotic, rather likes to let things "run their course." I knew I had an upper-respiratory infection, (I've sure had enough of them in my life to know by now), and I thought he was going to just give me Tylenol and throat lozenges, BUT he did give me a weeks worth of Penicillin, if I chose to go that route. Hell yeah. If I waited till next week I'd still be sick by the time I was leaving for Florida, and I remember 2 years ago when I flew congested. I felt like I would DIE. Imagine your head exploding...yeah not yay antibiotics.

Today is also a big day too. The Passion Of The Christ released today, and unsuprisingly it's been getting rave reviews just like the critics had given weeks before. I cannot wait to see it, although it's going to have to wait until Saturday morning/afternoon at the earliest because the rest of this week needs to be traversed. Friday is my senior photo woohoo, and a bunch of work calls I've been scheduling until then. Life will be easier once Thursday is over... Hope I make it till then.

The Passion of The Christ

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