Monday, July 21, 2003

Just finished watching T2: Judgement Day. That film still amazes me. I got the Extreme DVD (wow amazing sounding lol) version which comes with a ton of featurettes. It was good to see the film in its entirity for once. Whenever it's on TV, even HBO, they always cut the really cool parts that give you a little background info. Like the part where they remove the Terminator's CPU to enable his "learning" ability. Sarah Connor almost smashes it but they usually cut that part out. And a few T-1000 related scenes as well. When his feet start mimicking the floor or railings he touches. They never show that, although each effectual scene is like 4 or 5 seconds in length. What a cheap thing to cut! In a great mood today. I'm high on life as usual. Things look promising, very promising for getting hired by AIG. It's like all of a sudden people who don't even know me, but I've helped via phone etc, are putting in good words for me all over the corporate offices in NYC! W00t! Time to watch Better Off Dead.

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